Online Course » Keeping Yourself and Your Family Healthy

Course Description:
This presentation will cover how important it is that families be concerned about health. Preventive care, nutrition, exercise, and other factors play important roles. And especially for children, good health is essential—for them, now is the time when growth happens, some diseases may begin, and health habits are set for life.

Why "Keeping Yourself and Your Family Healthy" Matters:
Employees account for only about 30 percent of healthcare cost, while dependents account for the remaining 70 percent. All the benefits of improved health and wellness that apply to your employee apply to his or her family members as well, resulting in markedly lower employer health-related costs. Wellness is often a collaborative effort; families support and learn from each other, so it's important to understand unique wellness issues associated with other family members, such as age-related, gender-related, and genetically related health issues.

Key Points:
  • Appreciate the win-win nature of wellness; that is, why it's good for you and good for your family.
  • Understand the most common wellness challenges and what to do about them.
  • Help your family get—and stay—healthier.

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