Accident Investigation
This online accident investigation training course will teach the importance of accident investigation, how to talk to witnesses, what questions to ask when evaluating an accident scene, how to determine causal factors, and how to identify corrective actions. Accident investigation is not intended to place blame on anyone. This online training cour
Fire Extinguishers - 29 CFR 1910.157
This online safety training course will teach employees about what causes a fire, what fire extinguishers do, how to use an extinguisher, and different fire suppressant materials that can be used in case of a fire emergency.
Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls - Spanish
El objetivo principal de la sesión es eliminar los riesgos de resbalones, tropiezos y caídas en el lugar de trabajo y prevenir accidentes. Al finalizar esta sesión, será capaz de reconocer que los resbalones, tropiezos y caídas son un problema grave de seguridad, identificar los riesgos de resbalones, tropiezos y caídas en el trabajo, en el hogar y