Classroom Course » Identifying and Mitigating Vicarious Trauma and Staff Burnout (DBH and CE PTTC)

Dates & Times:
March 28, Thursday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Hosted By:
DBH Training Institute

Registration is Closed


*Registration for this training will close on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 9:00am*

Compassion fatigue and burnout not only increase the risk of vicarious experiencing challenges for our staff, they endanger those they serve. This training will support supervisors and managers in identifying and addressing the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue and burnout in an effort to safeguard their staff’s practice and clients’ well-being. This session will include information as well as practical suggestions for intervention.


At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe at least 4 ways in which compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma present in their staff working people living with Substance Use Disorder.
  2. Identify the importance of supervision in mitigating and supporting staff who may be experiencing Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, or Burnout.
  3. Name at least 5 strategies for engaging staff in planning and utilizing self-management skills.

Intended Audience:

Supervisors of client-facing staff across the Behavioral Health System

Session Notes:
This training is in partnership with the Central East Prevention Technology Transfer Center (CE PTTC) and will be held as a live webinar on Zoom. The Central East PTTC is managed by The Danya Institute. Zoom login information will be sent, from the Danya Institute, to all registered participants at least one day in advance of the training.

In order to be eligible for the continuing education hours/certificate of attendance, you must join the live webinar in Zoom. If you are having issues accessing the training at the event's start, please email to receive assistance.

DBH Training Institute Certificate details
Social Work/Counseling CEU Certificate details
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